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We believe one of the best ways to serve God is to serve His church. We are always looking for volunteers who would like to get connected and serve as we continue to grow and reach the city. You can do this through serving in Sunrise Kids, serving on the connect team, serving on our worship team, and more.

You can also volunteer to serve the church through community outreach projects or short-term mission projects that we partner with. For more information or to talk to with somebody about serving, fill out your contact information below.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Sunrise StudentsSunrise KidsWorship TeamConnect TeamSecurity TeamProductionOther


    Community Groups

    The purpose of community groups is simple and that is to build relationships with other people and grow in your relationship with Jesus. During these community groups we spend time in discussion and walk through application of what was taught during the Sunday morning service. We believe biblical community plays an intricate role in the growth of the believer and must include more than a weekly Sunday service. We do not believe in lone-ranger Christianity and encourage all who attend Sunrise City Church to get plugged into a group.



    Grace Giving

    Here at Sunrise City Church we fully recognize the gift that God has given us in the gospel! He gave up everything, to become nothing, just so we could be reconciled back to himself (2 Corinthians 8:9). To that end, we seek to give back to Him through sacrificial and faithful giving (2 Corinthians 8:3; 9:7). What does this mean for you? Christians should be generous people and give faithfully back to God. We believe that generosity should start with the local church but should also include being a generous people outside of the local church.



    Pastor David’s Prayer Email

    Each month on the 1st, Pastor David sends a prayer email that includes specific ways you can pray for him, his family, and the church. We believe in the power of prayer and want to continually uplift our pastor and church community. Sign up to receive this monthly prayer email.